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The Operational Excellence Show

Dec 4, 2020

Gratitude is the key to happiness!

Even in difficult times like 2020 - where so many people have suffered the loss of a loved one, lost their job maybe, struggled with loneliness or depression - Practising gratitude can change your day! 

Step 1: Thank

Step 2: You

Then Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for each...

Nov 27, 2020

There is ONE hack I want you to do every single day! In this episode I tell you why it’s important to stick with this one hack!

You will also learn...

  • How knowing your leadership Style and your Kolbe support your teams performance

  • How you can have ONE hack conversations with all your team members

  • How to...

Nov 13, 2020

In today’s episode I’m taking you behind the scenes of Rutz Consulting - and in fact of any operation that I have led in the past! You all know by now, that my contact centre career has taken me to BIG names such as Hertz, PayPal, Sitel, Ralph Lauren, Santander… the list goes on.

I hear very often - there is no...

Nov 6, 2020

My Guest today is Louise Brogan - the founder and owner of Social Bee Northern Ireland (NI). 

Louise started off as a Social Media expert, providing training on Facebook set up, usage, LinkedIn and other Social sites. Over the last year however she very much niched down into LinkedIn and has become one of THE...

Oct 30, 2020

For so many of us 2020 will be the most remarkable and memorable year in business - yet maybe for all the wrong reasons….

  • Less customer contacts leading to loss of revenue
  • Overwhelmed contact centres with too many employees falling ill with stress
  • Huge efforts made to enable the workforce to work from home - yet...